Some other blogs ‘n shit
- The Onion
- 27bslash6
- The Daily Show
- Newsbiscuit
- Humorfeed
- Comedy Central Insider
- The benchmark for internet satire.
- Waaaay to funny, goddammit.
- The benchmark for TV satire. Is it OK to have a man-crush on John Stewart?
- UK’s Onion. But funny as f**k in it’s own right.
- For the lazy, all internet satire in one place.
- Beast & Field
- Hapur’s Bizarre
- ThoughtSpurs
Fush n Chups
- just found this. perhaps we are related? - Public Address
- Mauricio Freitas: My window to the world
- Object Dart
- Aardvark
- Boing Boing
- Downstream by TUANZ
- InternetNZ Blog
- Juha’s Techsploder
- sharp satire from London based writer, Matt Suddain
- wry, observational blog from Kiwi comedienne, Sarah Harpur
- insightful ideas and design from David MacGregor
- thoughtful
- nerdy, essential
- KiwiBlog
- Auckland Blog
- Cactus Kate
- No Minister
- Roarprawn
- Whale Oil Beef Hooked
- Audrey Young on Politics
- curiablog
- Hot Topic
- Poneke’s Weblog
- The Rates Blog
- The visible hand in economics
- frogblog
- Jafapete
- No Right Turn