All posts tagged emigration

Vogels Bread

If bread had a gender, Vogel's would be a real man.

If bread had a gender, Vogel's would be a real man.

Vogel’s Bread is a Kiwi enigma. Part bread, part muesli, and part vegetarian meatloaf.

Abandoned on a desert island with but one choice of food, most New Zealanders could survive for years, quite happily, on nothing more than Marmite on generously buttered Vogel’s toast.

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Leaving New Zealand

Like NZ, but better.

Like NZ, but better.

Kiwi’s just can’t get enough of New Zealand. They love it. So long as they don’t have to live there.

Our favorite destination to leave to, and never return, is Australia. This suits us well, because kiwis don’t like to stand out (see article ‘The Colour Black‘), and Australia is basically the same as New Zealand, only warmer, bigger and richer.

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