All posts tagged entertainment

Dumb News

Famous Kiwi Anchor, Richard Long

Respected Kiwi Anchor, Richard Long

If New Zealand network news was dumbed-down any further, the Medical Council could name a retardation after it. The 5 minutes out of the nightly news hour that isn’t padded out by the weather, V8 motor racing, or commercials, is spun with such ‘down home’ colloquialism, euphemism and mispronunciation, that it reads like cross between Woman’s Day, and an episode of ‘The Wiggles’.

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Correcting Trans-Tasman Nationality Mistakes

They really are at least 1/3 Kiwi

Guaranteed no less than 2/3 Kiwi

The number of Kiwis who really make an impression on the world’s stage, in any given generation, can usually be counted on one hand. And yet, as a nation, we are so eager for high achieving celebrities who will put New Zealand on the map.

It is easy, therefore, to understand the pain felt by every New Zealander when, as often happens, yet another of our most cherished, internationally famous actors/musicians/filmmakers/sports stars is mistakenly referred to as an Australian.

Correcting these mistakes is a legal obligation of every New Zealander, under the Treaty of Waitangi.

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Cheap TV Adverts

Don't upset the talent.

Don't upset the talent.

Small to medium sized Kiwi businesses just can’t seem to get enough of badly produced, low-rent TV commercials featuring themselves, their staff, or an immediate family member. And while she might be the apple of your eye, mate, with a face like a badly-healed motorcycle injury, your darling daughter is unlikely to shift a lot of budget leather sofas.

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